Monday 23 April 2007


Built in South Africa, the Casspir is an Armour Personnel Carrier designed to be able to take a direct blow with a landmine with no or minimal damage, which can be repaired easily in the field. I believe it could be used more, say in Iraq instead of ill suited Land Rover Defenders, and the body count from roadside bombs would be minimised.

Anyways, it's a cool truck - very good looking, lots of metal, and tough as a South African.

A quote from the movie's author fishclint: "[This is a] Short video made from various Koevoet (South West African Police Counter Insurgency Unit) photos and video clips.

Koevoet (Afrikaans for crowbar) was a police counter insurgency unit in South-West Africa (now Namibia) during the 1970s and 1980s. They were the most effective unit (in terms of personnel lost versus enemies killed) deployed against SWAPO fighters (seeking Namibian independence from Apartheid South Africa)."

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